
ZKTeco Europe Certifications

ZKTeco Europe Training & Certifications Program

ZKTeco Europe is glad to announce the launch of our ZKTeco Certifications Program as one of a main part of our ZKTeco Academy.

The ZKTeco Europe Certifications Program is dedicated to enhancing the overall competence of our customers in ZKTeco products & solutions. It aims to help them improve their capabilities in product selection, solution design, product installation, equipment commissioning, function operation, and troubleshooting. The program includes both theoretical and practical training to enhance learning outcomes.

A Structured Learning Journey

With over 10 years of industry experience, ZKTeco Europe provides a comprehensive and structured curriculum. The Zkteco Certification Plan ensures that customers, distributors, and installers can acquire the necessary knowledge of our Products according to their respective roles.

Flexible Learning Journey

Recognizing the diverse preferences of our possibles learners, ZKTeco Europe offers flexible ways to acquire knowledge. Whether you prefer video-based courses, onsite training at our office, or short live webinars, ZKTeco Academy has you covered.

Staying Ahead of the Curve

Staying informed about the latest trends is essential, and ZKTeco Europe certification programs empower our customers to utilize, select, and deploy future-proof security products and solutions. This not only enhances your skills but also keeps us ahead of competitors. 

ZKTeco Europe Training & Certifications Program

We offer two training & certifications programs:

ZKTeco Europe Certification Level 1:


 Focuses on software of our solutions and covering main technical concepts to our ZKTeco solutions design.

ZKTeco Europe Certification Level 2:


 Revolves around ZKTeco products and solutions hardware, encompassing advance system configuration, operation, troubleshooting, and more.

Any question about ZKTeco Europe Certifications Program

Please contact us: certifications@zkteco.eu